“Labour Aid” is a drink you can make yourself before labour and freeze in ice cubes or a freezable water bottle, so it’s cold and ready to go when labour begins. It’s a great alternative to all the sugary energy drinks on the market.


2 cups of filtered water

2 cups of coconut water

1/2 a cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice

1/4 teaspoon sea salt

1/4 cup of honey or maple syrup

Optional additions:

1 tablespoon of magnesium liquid and a few drops of Bach’s Rescue Remedy

This drink can help maintain good hydration better than water by replacing vital minerals and electrolytes and it’s stocked with easily absorbed simple carbs which help you maintain your energy. It tastes pretty good too!

Coconut water is a natural electrolyte with potassium and sodium.

Water to keep you hydrated

Lemon juice as a gentle diuretic and with the added bonus of vitamin C

Sea Salt with electrolytes and minerals to help balance hormones and reduce adrenaline levels.

Honey or Maple Syrup are rich in minerals and easily digestible sugars, which can be used for energy and to reduce cortisol (stress hormone) levels.

Magnesium can be effective at helping muscles relax.

Bach’s Rescue Remedy is a bach flower essence that is found to help people feel more calm and centred.

Need some help getting ready for your birth? Contact me!

Ruth Ruttan

Ruth Ruttan is a Birth & Postpartum Doula and an independent Comprehensive Pilates Master Instructor virtually and at
Retrofit Pilates.

With innate wisdom, profound respect for the capabilities of the human body, and a lifelong passion for movement, Ruth Ruttan helps families access their instincts, reclaim their autonomy, and connect with their natural rhythm during pregnancy, childbirth, and the early stages of parenthood.

Ruth has been teaching bodies to move better for over 25 years. Her particular area of expertise is in Prenatal & Postpartum Pilates, helping people to (re)integrate pelvic floor (and core) connection to prepare for birth, pushing, and postpartum recovery for all kinds of birth.



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