
Doula Support looks different for every family, but one thing should be consistent - it should feel good!

I liken the role of a doula to that of a tour guide. I know, hear me out!

You check the pregnancy to parenthood road map and head out with a particular destination in mind. But what if there's a little detour or a new road that isn't on your map? When the surroundings are unfamiliar, you can feel hesitant, concerned or even frightened. No one likes feeling lost, especially on this big adventure!

As a certified doula, I know the landscape of pregnancy, birth and early postpartum. I can walk you through the many pathways of this journey with the most up to date information and resources, reassure you and point out the beauty, history, and treasures of your path, no matter which route you follow.

A doula is a committed constant during the entire unpredictable journey - I will encourage and remind you to ask questions and teach you how to advocate for yourself, so you feel ownership of your experience.

Plan your pregnancy to parenthood journey knowing you can navigate it all with confidence!

Find out more about Birth Support & Postpartum Support or book a Meet & Greet so we can get to know each other!

Ruth Ruttan

Ruth Ruttan is a Birth & Postpartum Doula and an independent Comprehensive Pilates Master Instructor virtually and at
Retrofit Pilates.

With innate wisdom, profound respect for the capabilities of the human body, and a lifelong passion for movement, Ruth Ruttan helps families access their instincts, reclaim their autonomy, and connect with their natural rhythm during pregnancy, childbirth, and the early stages of parenthood.

Ruth has been teaching bodies to move better for over 25 years. Her particular area of expertise is in Prenatal & Postpartum Pilates, helping people to (re)integrate pelvic floor (and core) connection to prepare for birth, pushing, and postpartum recovery for all kinds of birth.



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